Catonsville Courthouse (New Construction)
Gipe Associates, Inc. provided mechanical and electrical systems design for on-site HVAC and Electrical systems (power, lighting and fire alarm) for the new Catonsville Courthouse project. The new courthouse will include seven (7) court rooms and Judges’ chambers; two (2) specialty court rooms; Court administration spaces for clerks, cashiers and commissioners; and Offices for the States’ Attorney; and Detention Areas. Offices for the DGS Facilities Operations Division are also included in the new facility. Heating and cooling systems and their associated controls were designed and zoned to enable the building to operate only occupied areas, minimizing heating and cooling costs, while maximizing comfort for the occupants. Cooling is provided by a heat recovery chiller, which allows for waste heat captured and utilized in areas that call for heat. Additional cooling for small designated rooms is provided by ductless split system units, allowing individual control as needed. The heating system is a hot water circulating system composed of air handling units, VAV reheat coils, and natural gas boilers. Energy efficient LED lighting fixtures were installed throughout the building, including high security fixtures for holding cell areas. Fixtures in public areas were also selected for resilience. The building is supported by an emergency backup generator serving life safety and operational loads, as well as UPS backup for certain systems. Audio/Visual controls were also provided in the courtrooms to suit the judges’ needs. The project was designed to achieve LEED Silver Certification. 130,000 / $54M
Project Type: Civic,