Gettysburg Museum Geothermal Design & Commissioning

Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center

Corrective Geothermal Design and Commissioning

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gipe Associates, Inc. was requested to review a problematic geothermal design at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center.  We conducted an analysis of the existing geothermal HVAC system which included review of existing drawings, field investigations, and interviews with knowledgeable maintenance personnel.  All original contract documents were reviewed and we performed our own ventilation calculations and heat transfer calculations in order to verify required ventilation and bore field size and depth.  Our analysis concluded that the system was improperly sized and required corrective design measures in order to operate properly.  Gipe Associates provided corrective geothermal well field design for the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center located at 1195 Baltimore Pike, Gettysburg, PA 17325.  The well field design was based on load calculations and revised ventilation calculations.  We reviewed with the Owner all heating and cooling load data for the building (including the ventilation load), desired geothermal water loop temperature in all seasons, pump flow rate, heat pump entering and leaving fluid temperatures.

Project Type: Civic, Commissioning,